Surgery Eastern Europe
Print Journal Subscription
About Journal
"Surgery Eastern Europe" is an international scientific and practical journal targeted at surgeons and surgical professionals.
The journal publishes original research papers and reviews that cover various fields of surgery: blood vessels, heart, lungs, esophagus, stomach and duodenum, intestines, bile ducts, liver, pancreas, urogenital system, endocrine system. It also covers the topics related to transplantology, traumatology, oncology and combustiology, development of the new technologies, state-of-the-art equipment and instruments, etc.
The ideological orientation of the journal is jointly determined by Belarusian, Azerbaijani and Russian editorial boards.
The journal is a source of fundamental and clinical knowledge. The majority of Belarusian scientists and scientists from other countries choose "Surgery Eastern Europe" to publish their theses.
Year of foundation - 2012
Frequency of publication: once a quarter
ISSN of print version: 2226-5384.
ISSN of online version: 2414-1992.
Volume – 140-160 pages, format – 70×100 1/16.
Circulation – 1500 copies.
Publishing Ethics
The main
All studies were approved by the local ethics committee and performed in accordance with the standards of good clinical practice and the principles of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. Publishing house «Professional Publications» shares the position of the Convention developed by the Council of Europe, where there is provided animal protection in various spheres of their use, such as for example European Convention 123, Convention for protection of vertebrate animals of 1986, Declaration of Helsinki of 2000.
The journal accepts for publication original articles, reviews, scientific reports not previously published in scientific journals.
The editorial board considers materials from graduate students, applicants, doctoral students, specialists and experts in this field. The author is obliged to notify about a real or potential conflict of interest by including information about the conflict of interest in the appropriate section of the article. If there is no conflict of interest, the author must also report it.
Public Contract -
Responsibility of the editor of the journals
1. The editor are personally and independently responsible for the content of the published materials and recognize that responsibility. The reliability of the work and its scientific significance should always be the basis in the decision to publish.
2. The editor make fair and objective decisions, regardless of any commercial considerations and provide a fair and efficient process for the independent review.
3. The editor evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, and/or political preferences of the authors.
4. The editor do not work with articles for which they have a conflict of interest.
5. The editor resolve conflict situations that arise during the editorial process, as well as use all available means to resolve these situations.
6. The editor of the journal publish information concerning corrections, rebuttals, and review articles if needed.
7. The editor of the journal do not publish the final version of the article without the consent of the authors.
8. The editor checks the original text and acts in accordance with the COPE rules: https://publicationethics.org/files/u7140/plagiarism%20A.pdf -
The responsibility of the reviewers of the journals
1. The reviewer evaluates their own availability before examination of the manuscript and accepts materials for review only if the reviewer is able to ensure the quality of their work.
2. The reviewer notifies the editorial staff of any conflict of interest (if one exists) before the start of the review of the article.
3. The reviewer does not send information about the article and/or any of the data contained within the article to any third party.
4. The reviewer does not use the information obtained from the article for any personal and or commercial purposes.
5. The reviewer does not make conclusions about the quality of the article on the base of subjective data, e.g. the personal relationship to the author, gender, age, religion, etc.
6. The reviewer uses only proper and appropriate language and explanations in relation to the articles, avoiding any personal remarks. -
The responsibility of the authors of materials for the journales
1. The author submits materials for review, which have not been previously published. If the article is based on previously published material which is not academic articles or based on materials presented on the Internet, the author should notify the editorial staff of the journal.
2. The author does not submit the same article to different journals for review.
3. All co-authors consent to the submission of their articles to the journal.
4. The author informs the editorial staff of a potential conflict of interest.
5. The author takes the necessary steps to ensure the correctness of citations in the submitted article.
6. The list of authors includes only individuals who have made significant contributions to the research.
7. The author correctly cites their previous work as to avoid self-plagiarism in the manuscript and the artificial increase of volume of publications (salami-slicing).
8. The author, who is acting as the contact with journal, informs all other co-authors of all changes and suggestions from the editorial staff, and does not make decisions regarding the article alone without the written consent of all co-authors.
9. The author properly corresponds with the reviewer through the editor and responds to comments and observations if needed.
10. If necessary, the authors either adjust the data presented in the article, or refute them.
11. Please note that only original materials are accepted for publication. We ask the authors to check the text with an indication of the percentage of originality before submitting the article. The article must contain at least 70% of the original text. The increase in originality through technical and other unfair methods leads to the exclusion of the publication. For verification, we recommend the site: https://www.antiplagiat.ru/. The editorial Board also checks the originality of the material when reviewing the article. If numerous borrowings are found, the editorial board acts in accordance with the COPE rules. -
The responsibility of the publisher of the journals
1. The publisher not only supports scientific communication and invests in the process, but is also responsible for complying with all current guidelines and standards for publishing scientific work.
2. The publisher does not affect the editorial policy of the journals.
3. The publisher provides legal support to the journal if necessary.
4. The publisher provides timely release of issues of the journals.
5. The publisher publishes changes, explanations, and recalls articles that have been identified to contain violations of scientific ethics and/or critical errors. -
Convention for protection of vertebrate animals
The publishing house «Professional Editions» shares the position presented in the WAVE documents: https://wame.org/recommendations-on-publication-ethics-policies-for-medical-journals and the PHS policy: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/air/statement_20140306.htm for the humane care and use of laboratory animals. Based on this, all animal experiments must be carried out in full compliance with local, national, ethical and regulatory principles, as well as be approved by the appropriate committees, which must be indicated in the study. In the section «Materials and methods» it must be noted that the authors of the study have acted in accordance with the «Rules for the care and use of laboratory animals» (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/guide-for-the-care-and-use-of-laboratory-animals.pdf) or based on local or national guidelines for the use and care of laboratory animals. -
Human Rights Policy
When presenting the results of experimental research involving human subjects, the authors should indicate whether the procedures performed adhered to the ethical standards prescribed in the Declaration of Helsinki. If the study was conducted without adherence to the principles of the Declaration, the authors should justify the chosen approach to the study and guarantee that the ethics committee of the organisation in which the study was conducted approved the chosen approach.
Advertising in the journal
The text was prepared on the base of Recommendations on Publication Ethics Policies for Medical Journals WAME.
The journal earns income from advertising or reprints. The editor's decisions are independent of the cost of advertising or printing a reprint. The functions of the editor and specialists of the advertising and marketing service in the journal are separated. Advertisers and sponsors have no control over the editor's decisions, regardless of the conditions of advertising or other agreements.
Reprints are published only in the form, in which they were originally published in the journal (including subsequent corrections), therefore there are no additions or changes in them.
The contents of special additional issues of the journal are regulated only by the decisions of the editor. The contents of such issues are not influenced by sponsors or advertisers.
Limitations on the amount of advertising materials in the journal are described and included in the publisher's policy.
The editorial board of the journal has an official advertising policy. It is available to all participants of the editorial and publishing process. All advertisements in the journal uniquely identify the advertiser and the product or service they offer.
Advertising in the journal does not mislead the reader, does not exaggerate the real characteristics of the advertised product, does not contain offensive considerations of a religious or racial nature. Requirements for advertising in the journal are regulated by the Advertising Law of the Republic of Belarus. (https://pravo.by/document/?guid=3871&p0=h10700225)
The products advertised in the journal are focused on medical practice, medical education, or delivery of medical care.
The editors have the right to refuse to post any advertising message for any reason. The decision to publish an advertisement is made only with the participation of the editor and the editorial board of the journal.
Preprint and Postprint Deposition Policy
The editorial board of the allows authors to post the manuscript as a preprint before submission for review and to archive independently their articles in disciplinary and institutional repositories.
The editorial board of the encourages uploading preprints on preprint servers. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) defines a preprint as 'a scholarly manuscript posted by the author(s) in an openly accessible platform, usually before or in parallel with the peer review process. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) defines a preprint as 'a scholarly manuscript posted by the author(s) in an openly accessible platform, usually before or in parallel with the peer review process.'
A preprint publication shall not be considered duplicate publication nor shall it influence the editor's decision to publish.
The author must notify the editorial board about the posted preprint at submission of the manuscript for review, furnishing a link to the preprint with its DOI identifier and the dissemination terms and conditions.
It is the author’s responsibility to add a link to the published manuscript in the preprint record. The link must contain the DOI and the URL of the article published on the journal's website. The original preprint should not be modified based on the reviewer’s and editor’s comments. The preprint should not be replaced with the text of the published article.
Do not delete the preprint text.
Manuscripts Accepted for Publication
The editorial board allows manuscripts that have been reviewed and are accepted for publication to be archived independently.
This version of the manuscript may be disseminated through:
- personal website or blog;
- institutional repository;
- disciplinary repository;
- direct interactions with faculty or students by providing this version of the manuscript for personal use.
The text of the manuscript should contain the author’s clarifications about its status and information about the planned publication.
Example: The ARTICLE TITLE has been reviewed, accepted for publication, and will be published in №3 2021.
Once the final version of the manuscript is published, it is the author’s responsibility to add a link to the published article to the publication record. The posted text should not be modified based on the reviewer’s and editor’s comments. Do not replace the text of the posted manuscript. Do not delete the text of the posted manuscript.
Final Versions of Manuscripts
The editorial board allows manuscripts that have been peer-reviewed, accepted for publication, edited and ready for publication (proofread and typeset) to be archived independently.
This version of the manuscript may be disseminated through:
- personal website or blog;
- institutional repository;
- disciplinary repository;
- direct interactions with faculty or students by providing this version of the manuscript for personal use.
Once the final version of the manuscript is published, it is the author’s responsibility to add a link to the published article to the publication record. The posted text should not be modified based on the reviewer’s and editor’s comments. Do not replace the text of the posted manuscript. Do not delete the text of the posted manuscript.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
All participants in the peer-review and publication process should consider and disclose all relationships that could be a potential source of conflict of interest (financial relationships (e.g. employment, consulting, shareholding, patents, or paid peer review), personal relationships, academic competition and intellectual convictions).
All authors have to disclose all financial and personal relationships that influenced or could affect their work, indicating it in the Copyright Agreement and in the text of the manuscript:
— the presence or absence of a conflict of interest for all authors;
— sources of support for this work (funding), including sponsors, if any, - also an explanation of their role in developing the research plan; collection, analysis and interpretation of data; drawing up a report; deciding on submitting a report for publication; or a statement that the source of support was not involved.
Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.
Journal Editors and Staff
Journal Editors and Staff should not consider manuscripts and make editorial decisions when there is a conflict of interest or relationship that may create a conflict of interest.
Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a Reviewer’s own research without the express written consent of the Author. Information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.
«Мы приглашаем к активному сотрудничеству в нашем журнале всех ученых, заинтересованных в широком внедрении современных знаний и эффективных медицинских технологий в практику хирургии и широкой инсталляции полученных знаний научно-практическому сообществу. При этом редакция будет давать дорогу как результатам многопрофильных, многоцентровых, многолетних исследований, которые содержат всеобъемлющую информацию о целом блоке направлений диагностики и лечения социально значимой патологии человека, так и маленьким исследованиям, посвященным «монопроблеме», которые в перспективе могут стать первыми и в будущем принести реальную пользу науке и практической хирургии», – главный редактор в Беларуси, Юрий Михайлович Гаин.
Aims & Scope
The journal aims to promote professional communication among specialists across different countries and scientific schools, as well as to contribute in the formation of new promising studies, education and formation of researchers and practitioners.
Among the objectives of the journal are publications of new scientific and clinical data, results of advanced researches, achievements of domestic and international medicine, announcements of events, as well as various kinds of information which would be useful for medical professionals in their clinical work.
The main focus is the interest of practitioners. Cooperating with leading national and international experts allows the journal to identify relevant topics for broad coverage and ensures a high level of practical excellence.
The journal is included in the list of scientific resources recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus and the Russian Federation for publishing theses.
The journal is included in the Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, Scopus https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21101089954, CNKI.
RSCI impact factor (2023) – 0,156
Belarusian Association of Surgeons
Unitary enterprise "Professional publications"
Yuri M. Gain
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus, Professor of the Department of Military Field Surgery of the Institute of Military Medicine of the Belarusian State Medical University
Sergey I. Achkasov
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Assoc. of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the National Medical Research Center of Coloproctology named after A.N. Ryzhikh
Aliyev Мubariz Yaqub oglu
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the General Surgery Department of the Azerbaijan Medical University
Payment for Publication
Authors pay for prepress of peer-reviewed articles as per current prices approved by the publisher.
Authors from the Belarus | 5 BYN per 2500 characters with spaces |
Authors from the Russian Federation | 1300 RUB per 2500 characters with spaces |
Authors from other countries | 25 USD for 2500 characters with spaces |
For editing color illustrations, additional payment is made:
- authors from Belarus – 10 BYN/page
- authors from the Russian Federation – 870 Russians. rub./page
- authors from other countries – 10 USD/page
Rules for Authors
We hope that the status of our publications, publication dates, and the geography of distribution meet your expectations. Please note the requirements to scientific articles and the review policy, how to withdraw an article.
Sample of the article in the journals of the publishing house.
Public contract for provision of services on editing scientific texts.
Articles approved by the editorial board, can be published within the period of up to 7 months, including the period of the review in Minsk.
Principles on informed consent
The journal relies on the principles of the World Medical Association's (WMA policy statement - the Declaration of Helsinki - a statement of Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects) and endeavours to ensure compliance with ethical and data collection standards for research involving human subjects. Before beginning research, the researchers should familiarise themselves with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration on informed consent and carry out the research in strict accordance with those principles as set forth below (Articles 25-32 of the Helsinki Declaration are given):
25. Participation by individuals capable of giving informed consent as subjects in medical research must be voluntary. Although, it may be appropriate to consult family members or community leaders, no individual capable of giving informed consent may be enrolled in a research study unless he/she freely agrees.
26. In medical research involving human subjects capable of giving informed consent, each potential subject must be adequately informed of the aims, methods, sources of funding, any possible conflicts of interest, institutional affiliations of the researcher, the anticipated benefits and potential risks of the study and the discomfort it may entail, post-study provisions and any other relevant aspects of the study. The potential subject must be informed of his right to refuse to participate in the study or to withdraw his consent to participate at any time without reprisal. Special attention should be given to the specific information needs of individual potential subjects as well as the methods used to deliver the information.
After ensuring that the potential subject has understood the information, the physician or another appropriately qualified individual must then seek the potential subject's freely-given informed consent, preferably in writing. If the consent cannot be expressed in writing, verbal consent must be formally documented and witnessed.
All medical subjects should be given the option of being informed about the general outcome and results of the study.
27. When seeking informed consent for participation in a research study, the physician must be particularly cautious when the potential subject is in a dependent relationship with the physician or may consent under duress. In such situations, the informed consent must be sought by an appropriately qualified individual who is completely independent of this relationship.
28. For a potential research subject who is incapable of giving informed consent, the physician must seek informed consent from his legally authorised representative. These individuals must not be included in a research study that has no likelihood of benefit for them unless it is intended to promote the health of the group represented by the potential subject, the research cannot instead be performed with persons capable of providing informed consent, and the research entails minimal risk and burden.
29. When a potential research subject who is deemed incapable of giving informed consent is able to give assent to decisions about participation in research, the physician must seek that assent in addition to the consent of the legally authorised representative. The potential subject's dissent should be respected.
30. Research involving subjects who are physically or mentally incapable of giving consent, for example, unconscious patients, may be done only if the physical or mental condition that prevents giving informed consent is a necessary characteristic of the research group. In such circumstances the physician must seek informed consent from the legally authorised representative. If no such representative is available and if the research cannot be delayed, the study may proceed without informed consent provided that the specific reasons for involving subjects with a condition that renders them unable to give informed consent have been stated in the research protocol and the study has been approved by a research ethics committee. Consent to remain in the research must be obtained as soon as possible from the subject or a legally authorised representative.
31. The physician must fully inform the patient which aspects of their care are related to the research. The refusal of a patient to participate in a study or the patient's decision to withdraw from the study should never adversely affect the patient-physician relationship.
32. For medical research using identifiable human material or data, such as research on material or data contained in biobanks or similar repositories, physicians must seek informed consent for its collection, storage and/or reuse. There may be exceptions where consent would be impossible or impractical to obtain for such research. In such situations, the research may be done only after consideration and approval of a research ethics committee.
Data sharing policy
Authors are encouraged to make the research data that support their publications available but are not required to do so. The decision to publish will not be affected by whether or not authors share their research data.
Definition of research data
Research data includes any recorded factual material that are used to produce the results in digital and non-digital form. This includes tabular data, code, images, audio, documents, video, maps, raw and/or processed data. This policy applies to the research data that would be required to verify the results of research reported in articles published in the journal. Research data include data produced by the authors (“primary data”) and data from other sources that are analysed by authors in their study (“secondary data”).
Definition of exceptions
This policy does not apply to research data that is not required to confirm the reliability of the results presented in the published articles.
Information about data that is not subject to disclosure can be transmitted as follows: placed in research data repositories with limited access; previously anonymized. The author may also make publicly available only metadata of research data and/or a description of how to access them at the request of other scientists.
Data repositories
The preferred mechanism for sharing research data is via data repositories. Please see or https://repositoryfinder.datac... for help finding research data repositories.
Data citation
The Editorial Board of the Journal welcomes access to data under Creative Commons Licenses. Editorial Board of the Journal does not insist on the obligatory use of Creative Commons in case when the data is deposited in the repositories of the third party. The Publisher of the Journal does not assert any copyrights for the data submitted by the author together with the article.
Questions regarding the observation of that policy shall be sent to the executive secretary of the Journal.
Open Access Statement
«Professional publications» support the principle of open access to scientific papers, which contributes to a broader exchange of knowledge and spread of best practices. All articles published in this journal are freely available. We do not charge any fees to any reader for downloading articles for their own scientific use. It is permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to full-text articles in this journal without prior permission of the publisher or author, if they acknowledge the original author, as specified in the CC BY-NC-ND license from Creative Commons.
This work is available under the Creative Commons 'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives' license 4.0 Worldwide.